
Liquid overview

Liquid is a collaborative and flexible open source template language designed for building dynamic content in web applications.

Liquid allows theme developers to create customizable templates by combining static HTML with dynamic data and logic. This overview covers the basic concepts and syntax of Liquid.


Tags create the logic and control flow for templates. They are surrounded by curly braces and percentage signs (e.g., {% tag %}). Tags can be used for loops, conditionals, or to include other templates.

{% if product.available %}
  In stock
{% else %}
  Out of stock
{% endif %}


Objects are the placeholders for dynamic content. They are surrounded by double curly braces (e.g., {{ object }}). Objects output the value of a variable, such as product title, price, or description.

{{ }}


Filters are used to modify the output of objects and tags. They are applied using a pipe (|) character followed by the filter's name and any arguments.

{{ product.price | money }}


Liquid's syntax is easy to learn and provides a powerful way to create dynamic content in your theme templates. By understanding the core concepts of objects, tags, and filters, you can build flexible and customizable templates for CocoShop.

Last updated